God Says You Are....

        For my twentieth birthday a couple of months back my boyfriend got me a painting that includes seven special words that God describes me as. Each word has a Bible verse underneath that prove that the word given on the painting is 100% accurate! As we all know the devil takes pride in stalking our thoughts, telling us that we aren't good enough, that we are weak, that we are unworthy, and so many other things that are far from the truth. My boyfriend gave me this painting to remind me of who GOD says I am rather than what the devil says! God says I am unique, special, lovely, precious, strong, chosen, and forgiven. I want to let everyone reading know that these words apply to you too!

God says you are..... Unique

                "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb."    (Psalm 139:13)

                This is probably one of my favorite Psalms! It is stated in this verse that God is responsible for "forming" and "knitting" every single part of who we are. When you interact with other people, notice how entirely different we all are from each other. When you're eying that one group of people who all appear to be the same, remember that in many ways they are all very different! When I first met my boyfriend I was fascinated by the fact that his personality was very similar to mine, but as I got to know him I learned that in many ways he was very different. God has used our differences in ways that has only strengthened our relationship! When seeking assurance from this verse remember that just because you may not have the skills for one place, it doesn't mean that God doesn't have a place for you somewhere else! From the color of our eyes to our skills and talents, God has designed us in ways that fit his good and perfect plan for all of creation!

God says you are...... Special

                    "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

                    We are special because we were crafted with purpose. Among the many questions about life we often ask ourselves, our purpose is one of the biggest things we question. As you grow in your walk with Christ, your purpose begins to take a whole new meaning. You start to truly perceive yourself as "created in Christ Jesus for good works." Whether you are a famous influencer and speaker like Sadie Robertson or an "ordinary" person like me who attempts to show God's love to other ordinary people, we are all claiming to live the same purpose. That purpose is to convince as many people as possible that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. This purpose is what makes us special!

God says you are..... Lovely

                "And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." (Daniel 12:3)

               I have never really read much of Daniel yet so reading this verse was incredibly neat! "Those who are wise" refers to those who choose to follow Christ. They are lovely because they "shine like the brightness of the sky" as well as the stars. We are lovely to lay eyes on not based on how we appear outwardly, but because we shine rays of truth from our souls. 

God says you are.... Precious

                "For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."                                 (1 Corinthians 6:20)

            Christ saw our souls as precious enough to die for us! Not a simple gunshot death, but many hours of hanging and bleeding on a cross. That was the price that was paid for our souls. Why would Jesus do this if we weren't precious to him?

God says you are..... Strong

                "You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great." (Psalm 18:35)

            Whenever you begin to feel weak, remember that from Christ's hand over your life you are strong! Through him alone we are capable of tackling everything that comes our way. The more we seek and lean on God's strength, the more we are able to apply that strength to ourselves. 

God says you are...... Chosen

                "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you." (John 15:16)

            Jesus clearly states in this verse that he chooses US! We must remind ourselves of this everytime we feel unchosen by the world. When that parent who was supposed to be there for you abandons you, when that dream job doesn't hire you, or when the guy or girl you really liked rejects feeling the same way about you, remember you have already been chosen by something far greater!

God says you are..... Forgiven

            "As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12)

            This is the last, and probably one of the most important words on the painting. "Forgiven." Throughout life we make mistakes we wish we never made. We hurt people we wish we had never hurt. We carry regrets we long to do over. If only we could go back in time and fix the problems caused by our human nature. There is no rewind button for this life, but there is a solution that is far more valuable for the next! While our sins might stick with us throughout our lives, Psalm 103:12 tells us that if we follow God and truly repent from our transgressions, those sins will have no impact on our salvations! While the world may not always forgive us, the Lord will never hold back second chances.




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