Finding Peace In Where You Are


            I find summer to be a challenging time for me as a college student. I'm always feeling like I am lacking something. When I'm at school I am constantly active and busy. My mind is focused on exploring my major and working towards a degree. Then the three month summer break hits. I return home to a town where I don't really have friends anymore and have no classes that keep my mind running. The only thing that I have really devoted my time to these past couple summers has been working jobs I don't actually want to be at so I can pay for college loans. During times like these where I am alone most of the time, it's easy to start thinking and question if where I'm at right now is where I'm supposed to be.

                      "You make known to me the path of life." (Psalm 16:11)

            If only we could believe this more often. Before summer break started I remember being at school listening to the summer plans of all my friends and peers. Many of them were preparing to start grad school or were returning home to internships and opportunities that would enhance their future careers. I felt an anxious feeling in my gut because the reality of this summer for me would be rolling silverware and wiping down tables all so I could contribute at least a little bit of money towards a degree I have no idea what I'm doing with. I began to (and still sometimes do) question the moment I felt God calling me to major in psychology my freshman year. Was that really him? Or was it a worthless idea in my head?

        I recently read over the book of Ruth again. I look at it more as a biblical love story, but I also find that it can be applied to any season that involves waiting. Ruth and Naomi faced the difficult circumstances that came with being widowed back in their time, and were forced to wait on God to reveal his glory to them. They were trapped in a dark era when they lost their husbands, but God provided for them by bringing Ruth to Boaz  when she decided to place her life in his hands. 

                    "And she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz" (Ruth 2:3)

            "Happened" is a very powerful word in this verse because it emphasizes the miracle God provided Ruth through Boaz. Through the grace of God, Ruth "happened" to end up in the same place as Boaz. He provides us with his very best in the most unexpected and unimaginable ways.

            I trust that where I'm at this moment is where God wants me, even if it seems like I'm not doing much. I have faith that as I approach the end of undergrad he will continue to reveal more answers! I hope that every person who reads this finds peace in the fact that where you are right now is exactly where God wants you to be! If you're like me and don't have a lot going on where you are right now, I encourage you to use this time to strengthen your relationship with him! 

                With Love, 

                                    - Emma


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