What is a True Friend?


            Human beings were created to form and grow relationships with other people. There are numerous relationships a person forms throughout their lives. Here are some examples of the different relationship categories:
  • Parent and Child Relationships 
  • Sibling Relationships
  • Acquaintanceships (these are normally people you associate with, but don't have any personal bond with) 
  • Professional Relationships (relationships with teachers, bosses, coworkers, etc.)
  • Romantic Relationships 
  • Friendships
        Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, all people need some sort of interaction with other people. God designed for us to live and multiply together. 

            "Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." (Genesis 2:18)

        When God made this statement, he had just created the entire world, as well as Adam, the first human being. Adam was the only person on earth at that time. Could you imagine being the only human being on the planet? It would have to get terribly lonely and depressing. God desired to give Adam another life for him to interact with so that he wasn't lonely. He tried creating many different species of animals to accompany Adam, but none of them were fit for him. Animals and humans are just two separate groups of God's creation. Finally, God created just what Adam needed. He took one of Adam's ribs and created another human being that was just like Adam. The only difference was that Adam was a man, and the new person that God created was a woman. God created both male and female in his own image, and to multiply and to rule over the entire planet together. (Genesis 1:27-28)

        I get two things out of the story of human creation. God emphasizes the relationship between man and woman, but he also encourages human relationships in general. Before sin plagued the earth, we were originally designed by God to multiply and rule over all God's creatures. To God, we were considered to be set apart from the other lives he made. But after sin entered the world and as time went on, human beings took on a whole new purpose in God's eyes. Only humans who have a relationship with God have this purpose. Our original role of working together to rule over and care for the earth shifted to working together to point one another to God's light as we survive in the evil world that we live in. We are called to tell the whole world about the God who created us so that they may all receive the salvation required to get them into heaven.

        As I have journeyed in my faith, I've noticed just how important relationships with other people are. In a Christian perspective, there are two groups of people: Believers and Non-believers. If a believer spends too much time with non-believers, then their faith will be poorly influenced. If a non-believer spends time with believers, then they will be influenced whether they end up becoming believers or not.

        As someone who grew up in public school, I have been around all types of people. It wasn't until high school when I really began to search for my identity in the Lord. I struggled drastically with it. A few months after I began college, I realized why it was so hard for me to grow my faith in high school. I am surrounded by true God-fearing Christians I can relate with at my private college. I am spiritually fed every day. I was surrounded by all kinds of people at my high school. Everyone had different backgrounds and beliefs. I was easily able to become friends with these people, but in many ways I felt out of place because I struggled to find friends that had the same goals and perspective on life as me.

        I love the story of David and Jonathan from the Bible. 1 Samuel 20 represents what a true friendship should look like. God's plan was for David to be king of Israel after Saul's reign. Traditionally, the son of the king would be the one to take the king's place. Jonathan, David's best friend, was King Saul's son and the one who Saul had planned on handing his crown down to. Saul despised David and strived to kill him so that he wouldn't be able to become king. Jonathan either had two choices in this mess: He could be loyal to his father and betray his best friend, or help David fulfill God's plan even if it meant betraying his father. Choosing someone who isn't family over your own flesh and blood does not sound like a pretty situation to be in. One of the many things I admire about Jonathan is that even though it was in God's plan for David to be king and not him, he was still so loyal to God and David because he trusted that the Lord's plan was the right plan.

            "Then Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you say, I will do for you."" (1 Samuel 20:4)

        Jonathan was willing to do anything for his brother in Christ. A friend who sticks by your side even during times of tension or interference with the friendship is a friend to hold on to.

            "And Jonathan made David swear again by his love for him, for he loved him as he loved his own soul." (1 Samuel 20:17)

        Jonathan's love for David was so powerful because the Lord's love connected them to one another. He could trust David over his own father because his father was not part of the family of God. That's what's so beautiful about true Christian friendships. You feel free to be yourself. You feel a sense of belonging and purpose in your circle of brothers and sisters in Christ. You can get through the hard times knowing that you have other people like you that will pray for you and be there for you. 

        I will warn ya'll, don't allow your friendships with other Christians to take God's place. Every person needs a Jonathan in their life, but keep in mind that even real Christ Followers are sinful humans too. Let God be your number one source of guidance and pray that the friendships and relationships he provides you on this earth will be fruitful and point you in the right direction. 

- With Love, 




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