
Showing posts from July, 2024

God Says You Are....

          For my twentieth birthday a couple of months back my boyfriend got me a painting that includes seven special words that God describes me as. Each word has a Bible verse underneath that prove that the word given on the painting is 100% accurate! As we all know the devil takes pride in stalking our thoughts, telling us that we aren't good enough, that we are weak, that we are unworthy, and so many other things that are far from the truth. My boyfriend gave me this painting to remind me of who GOD says I am rather than what the devil says! God says I am unique, special, lovely, precious, strong, chosen, and forgiven. I want to let everyone reading know that these words apply to you too! God says you are..... Unique                    "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb."    (Psalm 139:13)                    This is probably one of my favorite Psalms! It is stated in this verse that God is responsible for "forming&qu