
Showing posts from June, 2024

Finding Peace In Where You Are

                I find summer to be a challenging time for me as a college student. I'm always feeling like I am lacking something. When I'm at school I am constantly active and busy. My mind is focused on exploring my major and working towards a degree. Then the three month summer break hits. I return home to a town where I don't really have friends anymore and have no classes that keep my mind running. The only thing that I have really devoted my time to these past couple summers has been working jobs I don't actually want to be at so I can pay for college loans. During times like these where I am alone most of the time, it's easy to start thinking and question if where I'm at right now is where I'm supposed to be.                       "You make known to me the path of life." (Psalm 16:11)               If only we could believe this more often. Before summer break started I remember being at school listening to the summer plans of all my friends