
Showing posts from June, 2023

Faithfulness During the Season of Waiting

                     I felt it on my heart today to write in depth on the struggles of the dreaded season of waiting. As we journey through life, there is always that time period where we are forced to sit back and wait for that unknown next chapter of our lives. During these seasons our minds naturally fix themselves on the outcomes we are longing to see unravel. Some common examples of waiting include:  - Waiting to get that acceptance letter from your dream college - Waiting for that special someone/getting through the "talking" phase - Waiting to hear back on medical related results for yourself or for a loved one - Waiting to hear back on a desired opportunity - Waiting for a current season of your life to be over - Waiting to adjust to a new environment               There are countless seasons of waiting a person can go through. The reality is that we will ALWAYS be waiting for something. I remember Covid being a season of waiting for many people. Everyone was waiting