
Showing posts from May, 2023

Flesh vs. Spirit

                     My first year of college has just recently come to a close. It was a year full of ups and downs. Friendships were made and friendships were lost. New passions were discovered, and between 10-15 pounds were gained. My freshman year of college flew by fast. I was able to get my first glimpse of the adult  world and taste the freedom that it brings. Going to bed whatever time of the night I wanted to and being able to do whatever I wanted without having a parent to tell me what to do made the sudden change in my life even better (however, I still made sure that I made good choices!!!!).                 When I reflect on who I was last August, I remember moving into my freshman dorm without a clue in the world on what I was doing. Would I make friends? Would I be more actively involved with the campus more than I was in high school? Would I meet my husband here?  I think these are questions that all new college students have. I started college as a biology major with p