
Showing posts from December, 2022

Forgiving the Unforgivable (Part 1)

       This topic has been heavy on my heart lately. I actually had an entirely different blog devotional written and almost ready to post, but these last few days I have really REALLY needed to focus on the concept of forgiveness. I thought I would share what the Lord has been showing me in two parts.     Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. These are qualities a person who claims to follow Christ should possess. Depending on their situations in life, some may struggle with one or more fruits than others. Now, I´m not going to get much into my personal life because I´m not ready to make a lot of my struggles public, but the category I stumble the most in is forgiveness, which I believe would be connected to the fruits: peace, gentleness, love, and patience.      I´m sure most of ya´ll have been told the importance of forgiveness since early childhood. The Lord forgives our sins, s

When Life Brings You Blemishes

              Hello everyone! I am overwhelmed with excitement to share with ya´ll my very first blog! I am currently a college student working to pursue a career in Christian counseling (it´s not decided for sure yet, but I want my career to focus on sharing the love of Christ!). One spiritual gift that I have possessed since I was a small child is my gift of writing. Spiritual Gift: Abilities  that God gives me so I can glorify him              ¨To each is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good.¨ (1 Corinthians 12:7)       I feel like the Lord is calling me to use my gift of writing to glorify him, and I plan to do that through writing novels, devotionals, and anything that people can read and take God´s love from. My hope is that my blogs or anything that I post online for others will do the same.:)     For my first blog, I want to talk about a common issue that humans struggle tremendously with. ¨Insecurity¨. There are many specific types of insecurity I can go i