
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Burdens and Beauty of Time

                 I have more recently realized just how valuable time is and how quickly it flies. It feels like it was just yesterday when I was nine years old and overjoyed to find out that I got a puppy on Christmas morning. Now that puppy is ten years older. I was once taller than my younger brothers, but now they both tower over me. A year ago, I was preparing to move into my first year of college. That first year flew by and now I am about to enter my second. It often seems like time moves faster and faster with each year that passes.            I'll sometimes look through old photographs from my childhood, and just be shocked by how much happened in my nineteen years of life. My family moved around a few times, so people and friendships were always coming and going. My parents were married for a majority of my life, and now it's been over three years since they separated. There was a time when I was a very quiet and shy little girl. I wore glasses and I enjoyed reading,